
Amazing, Cloud Peak Mount Merapi Shaped Head Petruk

Shaped cloud Head Petruk'petruk

Magelang - In the midst of the danger wedhus beggars, refugees digegerkan circulation of a photograph of clouds in the summit of Mount Merapi. How could I not? In a photograph taken by one of the residents Srumbung Magelang district, the cloud that resembles a face Petruk, one of the clown-servants in Javanese wayang long noses.
This photo belongs Suswanto (40), a resident of Hamlet Anom, Sudimoro Village, District Srumbung, Magelang, Central Java. He admitted taking the photo on Monday (25/10/2010) at 05.00 pm from his home.
"After the morning prayer, I once saw the peak of Merapi why there are oddly shaped cloud. Direct capture with my digital camera," said Suswanto.
Suswanto then showed the photo to some neighbors in her village as the village of Ngargosuko, Salamsari Village, Village Krajan, Jengglis Village, Desa Kemiren, Village and Village Sumberrejo Ground.
"Some elders and village elders declare if it is visible head or Nyai Mbah Petruk Petruk who already collect the promise it would happen at the peak of Mount Merapi eruption is enormous," said Suswanto.
Sugihartono, Suswanto neighbor, said local residents are very trusting myth or Nyai Mbah Petruk Petruk. The myth is believed to be hereditary.
eruption of Merapipyroclastic eruption of Merapi 1

Myths related story about disappointment that the King of Majapahit, Demak Kingdom of UB against tale Sabdo Palono Genggong. UB when it wanted to retreat in Mount Lawu but was expelled. UB finally meditated in the peak of Merapi.
When alone at Merapi, UB met an old woman who allegedly called Nyai or Mbah Petruk Petruk. "Mbah Petruk then remove the word if is a leader in the vicinity of Merapi, which is not true he will claim the promise," said Sugihartono.

pyroclastic eruption of Merapi 2pyroclastic eruption of Merapi 3

Sugihartono explained in the picture Mbah Petruk head facing south. This means that the largest eruption of Merapi in Yogyakarta will overwrite and surrounding areas.
"Pigtail rear and sharp nose facing south, Yogyakarta. So who will get the expected result is a large city of Yogyakarta and its surroundings," said Sugihartono.
Mbah Diur (54), elder Hamlet Gantan, Ketunggeng Village, District Shaman, Magelang explain Merapi filosophy and metaphysical controlled some souls of those who qualified. One of them Nyai Mbah Petruk Petruk or that controls the top part with other supernatural beings, Den Mas Anwar, son of the Prince's Life Samber ruler of Mount Lawu.
"Petruk master the crater and Den Mas Anwar ruled parts of the peak down to it," said Mbah Diur.
Anything else other supernatural figures who are believed to dwell on Mount Merapi. Supernatural figure is prince Sambang Dalan, authorities left the right side of the slopes of Merapi.


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